3 of 4 Reunion Committee members

3 of 4 Reunion Committee members

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hi Guys,
After spending nearly a week with my family in KC (Kids, grand kids and dogs) I'm back at work to get a date set for next year's 40th Reunion.

A quick review on finding a date:
You might remember that the weekend closest to the 4th of July has always been the date we have used for our reunions in the past. Although that was great date for many years, the suggestion was made to not have it during this family focused holiday since many of our children no longer live near us and traveling to see children and grandchildren has become a priority for many.

Progress Report:
Up to this point all the different groups we tried to reach for suggestions on a date, (those who live long distances, the KC group and some short distance folks) have all agreed it would be good to have the reunion in conjunction with the Fulton Street Fair next year.

A Snag In Our Plan:
This past week I checked with the Fulton Chamber of commerce and found the date for the Fulton Street Fair (FSF) always is in conjunction with Father's Day. Arrrrggg.
This may effect some of those not wanting to break personal traditions or family plans.

Responses Requested:
The Reunion will not run over to Sunday except for Long Distance folks so it may not be a problem for KC, Short Distance or Local people. I'll be contacting some of you for an official opinion on date suggestions. Please, feel free to jump in on this blog to give your opinion or ask a question, just push comment, register (free), fill out the info and push submit. I'd love to hear from you all.

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