3 of 4 Reunion Committee members

3 of 4 Reunion Committee members

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Hi Guys, Welcome to our Site

Let me first say, "Thank you" to Bert, Rita, Shirley, Zen, JoAnn, Jackie, Connie and anyone else in Fulton I may not know worked to make last years reunion so fun. I want to applaud Tanna and the fine work of those in Fulton who have faithfully provided the planning for the past 35 years.

For those of you who attended last summer's 35th class reunion you may remember I volunteered to head up the 2011 reunion and the fine Fulton team passed the baton to me and a brave group from Columbia. It won't be easy to fill the gap but we will do our best.

For those who were not able to make it to the reunion last year, you missed a really fun time and we wished you were there. Yes, you read right, "I volunteered" for this and am looking forward to building on the Fulton team's success so you will hopefully not want to miss our 40th reunion in 2011.
This blog is our first attempt to start planning for a memorable 40th reunion. We hope it will be a place to start sharing our ideas, memories, and lives. You will be able to post photos, news, and updates so when we get together we won't just have the 20 minutes of memories to talk about but can be current with our families, interests and lives.
When we graduated we were asking the question,'What do I want to be when I grow up'. Let's face it, now we look back at who we've become. If we don't like what we see we have precious little time to change it but it is worth it. Keeping friendships is one of those things worth pursuing and hopefully this blog will be a tool to help us connect with old friends for many years. We can share joys and sorrows with one another without the "high school" attitude of "it's all about me" (hopefully). Let's support one another with the friendships of the past as the foundation. If there are those who need a new foundation for lost friends, this may be a wonderful way to rebuild. Life is too short to not make the most of every opportunity to care. With the loss of classmates like Barb, Helaine, Jon, Simpson, and others we are reminded that every reunion counts.
We will post questions, sections for different ideas and surveys to get updates on everyone. Have some fun and jump in with us as we venture forward toward our 2011 time together.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Carolyn Crews Hodill


Dave Danuser said...

Carol has done a great job setting up this site. What a great way to keep in touch and to communicate ideas for the reunion. Thanks to Carol

C Crews H said...

I appreciate your support.
Hope to see you all soon.
C Crews H

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is an amazing site.
And as I get older the time seems to go faster and faster. Why, 2011 is right around the corner. My only suggestion for now is: don't forget your golf clubs!