3 of 4 Reunion Committee members

3 of 4 Reunion Committee members

Thursday, March 25, 2010

3/24/10 Committee Meeting Notes

The Class of 1971 Reunion Committee met on March 24th to discuss how to contact people and set a date for the reunion.

Reviewed Old Business:

  • letters to Long Distance (LD) classmates had been sent 3/10/10. Two came back undeliverable : Sandy Salmons and Alice Williams. Three people responded by E-mail to the letters and three people joined the FHS (MO) Alumni Association FHSAA as recommended in the letter.

  • Everyone agreed that summer was when we wanted to meet and preferred a two evening event. A cocktail hour on Friday and a dinner on Saturday.

  • It was decided to have it in conjunction with the Fulton Street Fair in June of 2011.

  • It was decided that the classes of 1970 who will not get to have a reunion this year, and the 1972 class that has not had reunions over the years will be invited to join us after plans are finalized.

Next Steps

  • Carolyn will send letters and have a meeting with those interested in getting involved in the KC area. Information letters will go out by April 1 and hopefully will get to meet by April 20th.

  • Others committee members will be following up the LD letters and sending out Short Distance (SD) people letters to encourage interst in getting involved.

  • David will work with the Face/Space people to get updated information

  • Linda will also try to locate people to get updated contact info

  • Kent will continue to try to get the finacial records from Jackie Wheeler

It was fun to get to gether and a reminder of the importance of having reunions.

Life long friendships are worth the effort to maintain.

Hope to hear from some of you soon,



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tonight is the FHS71 class reunion committee meeting at Addison's Restaurant.
We will discuss a date for the reunion.
Sure wish I had heard from some classmates who live far away about dates that might be best for them. So far, I have only had 2 responses from LD folks who were already engaged with us in the planning process. Thanks Tanna and Roger for your faithful responses.

One thing about doing a big project like this, much like trying to eat an elephant, it only happens one bite at a time. SO. to break the project down into bite size pieces I hope different ones will oversee different areas. For instance, Linda wants to organize a service project and Tanna said she would be glad to work with her on it as a possible memorial idea.

As soon as we have this meeting I will hope to meet with the KC classmates to see what ideas they might like to add. Thanks to Bill R and Steve B for their interest and support.
We'll plan on seeing you all sometime in April. Bill had a great idea about getting KC folks together for a Royals game this summer. Could that be extended to all class members?

I'll let you all know what comes from our dinner meeting tonight.

Thanks everyone.
C Crews H

Saturday, March 20, 2010

We are starting the engines for getting our reunion train moving.
As with any train. Getting the engine started is the first step. Getting it moving is the next.
No matter how slow it seems to be at the first, I know it can pick up steam and move at a good pace.

To start the engine, I sent letters out to the Long Distance class members to let them know how important their input and attendance is to our 40th class reunion next year. I still have not heard from many but I believe the engine is building steam and forward motion will begin soon.
Some in the Fulton area have seen the smoke stack puffing out some signs of activity and are interested in getting on board. At the committee meeting on 3/24/at Addison's Restaurant we will get some responsibilities handed out and start talking about the date.

So far having it when the Fulton street fair is going on seems to be leading on preferences. If anyone has other suggestions, we have not gotten them.
You will know we are leaving the station when we send out a save the date notice. via this blog site, or the Fulton High School Alumni Association (MO) site. So far we have 5 on board that site and some communication by E-mail there has started up. I encourage everyone to take the reunion survey they have provided. It saves us from having to make our own.

Again, it's a good site and very user friends. Hope more folks get on board.

I heard that the 1970 class lost their momentum to have their reunion this year and some may want to get on board with us. Several from the 1972 class already are wanting to get on board the 71er's train. So far everyone thinks that is a good idea.
The more the merrier.

Until next time,
C Crews H

Monday, March 15, 2010

Any Long Distance Alumni out there?

I Have not heard from any of the letters I sent out last Friday. Hopefully they have been received. I have not received any back yet so that's a good sign they may be delivered to the right addresses. Time will tell
Hope to hear from some of them soon.

Taking baby steps

Way to go guys. As of yesterday, 3 more 71ers have signed on with the Fulton High School Alumni Association site. Now if we can start using some of their resources to help locate folks and get ideas shared it will be great.

Looking forward to talking to you all soon,

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Getting Involved

Hi Guys,
Say, I just found the Fulton (MO) alumni web site. It's very good and there are options we can use there that I can't do on this site. Although this blog page has some advantages I wish we could get some dialog started.

The alumni site costs 10.00 to get your lifetime membership started but it seems worth it and may be very helpful for getting our class together for next year.

So far Terry Lawrence and I are the only ones I see registered but hopefully others will get on there or here or both. This site is good since it is free and all we need do is register our information for security purposes.

Talk to you all soon.

Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8th news

Wanting to see how many of the E-mail addresses I have are current, I sent out a note to encourage folks to get on the blog and reminded them that our 40th FHS class reunion was coming up next year.

Here's a quote I received that made me laugh.

"40 years. Holy Crap"

I would probably phrase it differently but he got the sense of urgency I hoped for.

I also received a reminder from Jane Vandeloecht Friedman, about Bobby Galbreath's death. She suggested I go to the Debo web site and post his obit information. I will do that next. I will also hope to find Pam Oliver and Mark Douglas' information as well.
Sorry to be updating such sad things but right now no other news is coming my way.

Please don't make me come and find you. Jump in and add some comments here. It will help us add to the fun when we get to the reunion. I will be listing possible ideas and activities as they come in. Send out the information for this class blog to those you know who are internet savey. Please get me information for those who are not internet active so I can contact them by snail mail or phone. Thanks for your help.

Stay tuned.
Blessings fellow 71ers.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

2010 Greetings and Information

Greetings fellow FHS 71ers.
So sorry I was out of touch last year.

Now that I have finished my graduate studies and have cleared away some of the things stack up in it's wake, I am now looking forward to giving my full attention to working on the reunion. As the famous line from Independence Day movie says, "I'm Ba-a-ack".

Thank you Bill Jamison and Bill Riester for your support. Hopefully others will join you this year as we prepare to make our time together at the reunion memorable and fun. Please remind those you are in touch with to jump in and share their ideas. With the "My -S/Face-B" phenomon catching on I hope we can get folks addresses and information out quickly. I plan to meet with several "71ers" in the Kansas City area soon to get ideas and help.

I will be sending out a note this week to those who live far away for ideas on what would make it worth their time, expense and effort to attend the reunion next year. "The Columbia Committee" (Dave Danuser, Me, Linda Landrum Houston, and Kent Hatfield) will send out a save the date when a decision is reached so letting us know your ideal date will be helpful. Right now we are leaning toward making it during The Fulton festival time in June. That means we need to get organized and get the date out there so people can make their plans.

Remember, the class of 72 has not had reunions over the years, as our class has,. We have been asked by several if we would include them in our upcoming reunion. I would like every one's ideas about that as well. It seems good to me and The Columbia Committee but we would like to hear your thoughts.

Please keep Ramona Grogan Dobson in your thoughts and prayers. Her husband, Don, died unexpectedly in his sleep a few weeks ago. Even though I am in Fulton often I do not see every paper and missed the news. Rita saw me in a restaurant a week ago and told me about it. It is another reminder of the frailty of life and the importance of staying in touch.

I also heard Bobby Galbreth's died. If anyone can varify that, please let me know. We would like to once again, have a short time of rememberence for those who have passed on from our class, like Pam Oliver and Mark Douglas and Bobby Galbreth (?) There may be others I am unaware of so it would be good if that information could be gathered. Rita did such a good job of keeping that information I hope she will help us again this time. We will have a short time of rememberence and a memory table so please let me know if you have any information on anyone. I have some photo's of Pam.

FRIENDSHIPS are precious gifts that are worth the effort to refresh and keep alive.
It makes me want to dive in and work hard for our 40th reunion to be memorable and fun for all.

Until next time,
Blessings to you and yours,