3 of 4 Reunion Committee members

3 of 4 Reunion Committee members

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tonight is the FHS71 class reunion committee meeting at Addison's Restaurant.
We will discuss a date for the reunion.
Sure wish I had heard from some classmates who live far away about dates that might be best for them. So far, I have only had 2 responses from LD folks who were already engaged with us in the planning process. Thanks Tanna and Roger for your faithful responses.

One thing about doing a big project like this, much like trying to eat an elephant, it only happens one bite at a time. SO. to break the project down into bite size pieces I hope different ones will oversee different areas. For instance, Linda wants to organize a service project and Tanna said she would be glad to work with her on it as a possible memorial idea.

As soon as we have this meeting I will hope to meet with the KC classmates to see what ideas they might like to add. Thanks to Bill R and Steve B for their interest and support.
We'll plan on seeing you all sometime in April. Bill had a great idea about getting KC folks together for a Royals game this summer. Could that be extended to all class members?

I'll let you all know what comes from our dinner meeting tonight.

Thanks everyone.
C Crews H

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