3 of 4 Reunion Committee members

3 of 4 Reunion Committee members

Thursday, March 25, 2010

3/24/10 Committee Meeting Notes

The Class of 1971 Reunion Committee met on March 24th to discuss how to contact people and set a date for the reunion.

Reviewed Old Business:

  • letters to Long Distance (LD) classmates had been sent 3/10/10. Two came back undeliverable : Sandy Salmons and Alice Williams. Three people responded by E-mail to the letters and three people joined the FHS (MO) Alumni Association FHSAA as recommended in the letter.

  • Everyone agreed that summer was when we wanted to meet and preferred a two evening event. A cocktail hour on Friday and a dinner on Saturday.

  • It was decided to have it in conjunction with the Fulton Street Fair in June of 2011.

  • It was decided that the classes of 1970 who will not get to have a reunion this year, and the 1972 class that has not had reunions over the years will be invited to join us after plans are finalized.

Next Steps

  • Carolyn will send letters and have a meeting with those interested in getting involved in the KC area. Information letters will go out by April 1 and hopefully will get to meet by April 20th.

  • Others committee members will be following up the LD letters and sending out Short Distance (SD) people letters to encourage interst in getting involved.

  • David will work with the Face/Space people to get updated information

  • Linda will also try to locate people to get updated contact info

  • Kent will continue to try to get the finacial records from Jackie Wheeler

It was fun to get to gether and a reminder of the importance of having reunions.

Life long friendships are worth the effort to maintain.

Hope to hear from some of you soon,



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